Resilient Survivable Solutions For The Future of Infrastructure
North American based STRONGKOR is the technology holder for a revolutionary building and integrated infrastructure system. A system that changes all the rules for building and infrastructure.
STRONGKOR has revolutionary building systems uniquely robust, resilient and capable to create a wide range of environmentally and technologically advanced buildings, structures, roads, bridges, railways, docks, airports, agriculture, aquaculture, bio-culture, resource transmission, utilities and other systems.
Risk prevents us from moving into the future because we are enslaved to ‘sunk costs’ in our buildings and infrastructure. STRONGKOR systems change this by:
> Being completely flexible, replaceable, upgradeable and re-programmable,
> Being durable and sustainable, AND ;
> Being totally future-proofed versus comparable site built or modular systems.
The future is uncertain, so STRONGKOR systems are designed to take advantage of:
> Growing populations and expectations,
> Limitations in financing and resources,
> The environment and sustainability,
> Interconnectivity and technology, AND ;
> New frontiers in building science, uses, energy harvesting and building locations.
Integrated STRONGKOR systems will construct any building or infrastructure to:
> Be extremely resistant to fire, flood, severe weather and seismic events,
> Any height and any size in a wide variety of finishes,
> Reduce construction costs, and;
> Slash construction time to completion versus comparable site built systems.
• Residential Towers, Hotels & Convention Centers
• Shopping Centers, Stadiums & Offices
• Schools, Universities & Government Buildings
• Hospitals, Clinics, Seniors & Extended Care Facilities
• Warehouses, Refrigerated Storage & Laboratories
• Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Docks, Runways & Railways
• ALL Utilities including Sewer, Water & Gas
• Pipelines, Power & Resource Conveyance
• Vertical Agriculture, Bioculture & Aquaculture
• Offshore Structures & Seismic Foundation System
21st Century STRONGKOR buildings are:
> Future Proofed Architectural Assemblies
> Building Systems integrate Plug-N-Play Component Systems
> Sustainable & environmentally responsible,
> Reusable and fully recyclable,
> Energy efficient with leading edge technologies that transform the way we live, work and play.
21st Century STRONGKOR buildings can also include:
> Architecturally pleasing StructiShutter systems that will automatically reinforce any building opening to secure interior spaces from insurgency, earthquake, fire, flood and even the most extreme weather;
> our SecuriSheild reinforced wall and roof systems that provide additional
security and protection for sensitive interior spaces in hostile locations.
> Revolutionary STRONGKOR systems create unparalleled quality, fit and finish.
> STRONGKOR is warmer in winter, cooler in summer, quieter, stronger and safer (for earthquakes, storms and armed conflicts).
> STRONGKOR robust systems are durable.
> STRONGKOR buildings are easy to clean, operate and maintain.
> STRONGKOR systems allow a wide variety of financing and profit making options.
21st Century ultra long-lasting STRONGKOR road, rail, bridge and runway systems are:
> Quickly and easily assembled and maintained on site for any volume of traffic,
> Safe for high speed travel with advanced surface systems and unique engineering,
> Removable, reusable and fully recyclable,
> Able, with the appropriate features, to harvest waste energy normally damaging to vehicles and travel surfaces to produce electric power.
21st Century ultra long-lasting STRONGKOR utility systems are:
> Quickly assembled on site through a continuous, seamless installation process providing greater capacity and strength with less disruption,
> Safe for all forms of material containment with advanced surfaces and unique engineering,
> ‘One-step’ installations for new or replacement utilities without extensive excavation,
> Able, with the appropriate features, to harvest waste energy normally damaging to utility surfaces to produce electric power.
21st Century ultra long-lasting STRONGKOR pipeline systems are:
> Quickly assembled on site through a continuous, seamless installation process providing greater capacity and strength with less disruption,
> Safe for all forms of material containment with advanced surfaces and unique engineering,
> Safe with multi-redundant containment systems for additional environmental protection,
> Able, with the appropriate features, to harvest waste energy normally damaging to pipeline surfaces and use to pre-refine raw resources.
21st Century STRONGKOR agriculture, aqui-culture and bio-culture systems are:
> Quickly and easily assembled, replaced, converted and maintained on site for a wide
variety of crops or other bio-systems,
> Designed to make highly viable food and medicine production from the exterior of
buildings and other structures (walls and roofs),
> Safe with redundant containment systems for crop, bio-system and environmental
> Able, with the appropriate features, to optimize nutrient use and minimize water use.
21st Century ultra long-lasting STRONGKOR offshore systems are:
> Quickly and easily assembled and maintained on site for structures up to 30 meters deep,
> Ideal as an artificial reef and human habitat,
> Safe with multi-redundant containment systems for internal flooding and external environmental protection,
> Removable, reusable and fully recyclable,
> Able, with the appropriate features, to harvest tidal energy to produce electric power.
Stick Built On Site
Issues Are A Problem
Scheduling Delays
Exposed to Elements
Completion Dates
Construction Financing
The PanaKOR system is the generic term that StrongKor uses to describe a very versatile building system that assembles structures by means of planar surfaces; horizontally, vertically and obliquely. This system is an ideal solution for everything from single family housing to warehouses.
Single Family Residence Project
> As needed, StrongKor GeoGRID foundation anchoring systems would be put in place as a base for the foundations that would be cast in place on site
> A slab on grade foundation would be cast in place on site ready to receive the StrongKor PanaKOR system
> Vertical elements (walls) of the StrongKor PanaKOR system would be installed with the exterior elements incorporating the StructiShutter opening reinforcement system for each window and door for protection as noted earlier
Single Family Residence Project
> Only as needed, horizontal elements (floors) of the StrongKor PanaKOR system would be installed and bonded with the previously installed vertical elements
> Additional vertical elements (walls) and horizontal elements (floors) of the StrongKor PanaKOR system would be installed and bonded to the previously installed elements depending on the number of floors
> Modular baths and kitchens would be mounted in place along with the home’s core mechanical and electrical rooms would be installed as appropriate
Single Family Residence Project
> Oblique elements of the StrongKor PanaKOR system would be installed and bonded to the previously installed elements both for interior (stairs) applications and exterior (roofs) applications
> Final details are completed to ensure the integrity and monolithic structure of the StrongKor PanaKOR building system
> The interior is now framed and finished traditionally to the desires of the home owner. All exterior surfaces (walls and roof) are factory finished
Depending on the size of the home desired, a typical installation for the StrongKor PanaKOR system for this application would range from 1 to 3 weeks. This will dramatically speed up time in building single family residences while also improving quality and overall building integrity during extreme conditions in the future.
The VertiKOR system is the generic term that StrongKor uses to describe a very efficient stacking building system for certain types of project that do not exceed 15 storeys in height. In these cases we recommend one of two StrongKor approaches, the Soft/Full/Hard Module assembly or the integrated Full/Hard Module assembly for high seismic load areas.
Project Concept
> The basement level would be constructed with a StrongKor PanaKOR and 4 hard modules, interior finish to this level would be completed on site
> Level 1 would be constructed with a combination of StrongKor VertiKOR elements using StrongKor PanaKOR panels, 22 soft modules, 23 full modules and 4 hard modules
> Levels 2, 4 and 6 would construct each floor with a combination of StrongKor VertigKOR elements using 22 soft modules, 24 full modules and 4 hard modules
Project Concept
> Levels 3 and 5 would construct each floor with a combination of StrongKor VertiKOR elements using 22 soft modules, 25 full modules and 4 hard
> Level 7 would be constructed with a combination of StrongKor VertiKOR elements using panels, 23 soft modules, 25 full modules and 5 hard
> Level 8 would be constructed with a combination of StrongKor VertiKOR elements using panels, 23 soft modules, 25 full modules and 5 hard
Example Project Concept
> Roof level would be constructed of StrongKor PanaKOR elements to complete the project.
PanaKOR Panels and Singular Modular Elements
> At the basement level once the perimeter walls and all footings are cast, these prefinished elements make up the remainder of the structure, including the floors for the soft modules at Level 1
> At Level 1 it includes the floors of the soft modules and other individual exterior elements
> At the Roof level it includes the roofs of the soft modules at Level 8 and hard modules, and all prefinished roof structures.
Soft Modules (partially assembled in plant)
> Key pre-assembled manufactured functional elements are installed in these modules in their entirety (i.e.
> Exterior wall systems are installed complete with all finishes, doors and windows
> Interior finishing, cabinetry and accessories are provided in pre-cut kit form and installed on site
> All mechanical and electrical systems are pre-assembled manufactured harness arrangements for easy site install
> Module kits arrive to site fully sealed and protected
Full Modules (fully assembled in plant)
> Includes all interior and exterior walls, floors and ceilings/roofs (with doors and windows) for a complete architectural/structural element
> Includes corresponding corridor space
> Includes all interior finishes
> Includes all interior cabinetry and accessories
> Includes all mechanical and electrical systems
> Modules arrive to site fully sealed and protected
Hard Modules (fully assembled in plant)
> For stairwell, includes all interior and exterior walls (with doors and windows), landings, stairs and railing for a complete architectural/structural element
> For elevators, includes all interior and exterior walls and elevator inserts for easy, rapid installation
> Includes all interior and exterior finishes
> Includes all mechanical and electrical systems
> Modules arrive to site fully sealed and protected
Installation Process - Summary
> Site is prepared, utilities are run and the perimeter walls below grade and the foundation footings are cast in concrete (approximately 3 months)
> Basement level is installed (1 week including SOG)
> Level 1 is installed (3 weeks)
> Levels 2 to 8 are installed (3½ months)
> Roofing and Roof Level construction installed (1 wk)
> Final finishing (1 month)
> Commissioning and turn over (1 week)
The OmegaKOR system is the generic term that StrongKor uses to describe an extraordinarily flexible and capable building system that allows a wide variety of buildings to be created without the normal limitations on:
> Height
> Strength
> and Replacement or Inter-changeability even after the project has been completed.
Individual modules are built off-site while the superstructure is being completed
Units arrive on site with:
> All electrical/mechanical systems in place
> All finishes complete including flooring, windows, doors, lighting, plumbing and kitchen fixtures, cabinets and
appliances (even flat screen televisions)!
Units are built with:
> Advanced & robust ‘Plug-N-Play’ allows for easy mechanical/electrical hook-up
> Hook-ups strategically located inside the building for speed, efficiency and GREEN energy design.