With the world’s population passing 7 Billion people, the fastest population growth is in developing nations across the planet. This massive increase in human need puts ever increasing demands on our resources.
For over 35 years Ken King has been working tirelessly to help bring a brighter future in the area of public infrastructure. For many of those years he worked with and in governments to improve this infrastructure. However, his unique combination of skills in mathematics, economics, engineering and construction have been the tools to bring forth his vision of a sustainable tomorrow. STRONGKOR provides those resilient, sustainable, survivable solutions for the future of infrastructure.
North American based STRONGKOR is the technology holder for a revolutionary building and integrated infrastructure system. A system that changes all the rules for building, agriculture and infrastructure. A system that will RE-STRUCTURE INFRASTRUCTURE!
The future is uncertain, so STRONGKOR systems are designed to take advantage of: - Growing populations and expectations, - Limitations in financing and resources, - The environment and sustainability, - Interconnectivity and technology, AND; - New frontiers in science, structure uses, agriculture, energy harvesting and structure locations. The future is also upward looking, so STRONGKOR systems are designed to take advantage of the conditions in our villages, towns and cities where: - Increased areas of vertical and sloped surfaces ideal for maximizing the power of the sun to grow food, - Higher levels of CO2 which enhances vegetation, - Ready access to non-potable phosphate rich water (grey water) ideal for crop irrigation, - Use of pre-processed fertilization materials in sewage that also helps clean the environment, AND; - A large portion of your market for food is at your doorstep reducing harvesting and shipping costs.
Vertical agriculture STRONGKOR systems start with our unique growing media with the following benefits: - The media can be tuned to optimize specific plant requirements (i.e. size, porosity, texture, etc.), - The media discourages damaging fungi, bacterium, weeds and root borne pests, - Ionic media control optimizes the delivery of water and nutrients to root systems, - The media will improve most harvesting processes using our ionic release procedures, AND; - The media dramatically reduces (or eliminates) the need for fresh water, fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides. Vertical agriculture STRONGKOR systems are then taken to new heights with our modular planter system specifically designed with these benefits: - Designs that are architecturally pleasing and easily installed and removed to maximize crop production, - Engages our unique STRONGKOR technologies to optimize the use of our special media, - Engineered to tap into the resources of any STRONGKOR structure such as using grey water, waste energy or pre-processed sewage, AND; - The STRONGKOR system dramatically improves the efficiency of crop production cycles. Vertical agriculture STRONGKOR systems can also be incorporated to other forms of traditional agriculture such as: - Poultry farming and egg production, - Bee keeping and honey production, - Mushroom farming, - Compact meat production (i.e. pigs, goats, sheep, guinea pigs, domesticated deer, etc.) - Compact dairy production (i.e. goats), AND; - Entomological protein production.
Vertical aquaculture (aquaponic) STRONGKOR systems can also be incorporated to feed us which include: - Fish farming, - Shellfish farming, - Crustacean farming, - Pearl production, AND; - Seaweed and kelp farming.
Vertical bioculture (bioponic) STRONGKOR systems can also be incorporated to find new medicines and nutriceuticals through the use of various controlled plants, lichens, mosses, molds and bacterial cultures that would thrive on our structures. Vertical agriculture STRONGKOR systems will provide the following benefits: - Produce a wider range of crop systems not only for local consumption, but for export as well, - Allow more crop cycles than standard terrestrial farming systems, - Produce 4 – 10 times the crop production when compared to standard terrestrial farming systems, - Be naturally pest and disease resistant without the use of chemicals, AND; - Develop food crops with up to 3 times more nutritional value when compared to terrestrial farming systems. Vertical acquculture (aquaponic) and bioculture (bioponic) STRONGKOR systems will provide the following benefits: - Produce a wider range of seafood products than traditional fishing practices, - Allow more fishing cycles than standard wild fishing systems, - Produce many times the seafood production when compared to standard fishing or harvesting systems, AND; - With both aquaponic and bioponic systems, will create highly valued new products and technologies for export. Vertical agriculture, aquaculture (aquaponic) and bioculture (bioponic) STRONGKOR systems also help in other ways. All of these systems dramatically produce a large amount of biomass. Biomass is the by-product of all of the above STRONGKOR systems that can readily be converted to such products as bio-diesel fuel production, additional organic fertilizer and highly nutritious animal feed; all for local use or export.
Vertical agriculture, aquaculture (aquaponic) and bioculture (bioponic) STRONGKOR systems will preserve the unique environment of your Country. STRONGKOR systems will help minimize the amount of land needed for food production. These same systems help clean the environment and can be specially designed to help recover some endangered plants and animals.
Vertical agriculture, aquaculture (aquaponic) and bioculture (bioponic) STRONGKOR systems help allow every society, from villages to nations, to create new, sustainable and highly economically valuable business models from the very structures that they need to live and work in. Madagascar, as a case in point, is a country with some extraordinary challenges as well as some extraordinary opportunities. With a wealth of natural and human resources within and surrounding this island nation, it can seize the STRONGKOR opportunity identified herein to move Madagascar safely into the 21st century and beyond.